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Xinxinyuan company organized and carried out practical drills of fire-fighting equipment

时间:2022-02-11 16:22:59 信息来源:本站 点击: 23 次

On the afternoon of February 10, the safety management department of Xinxinyuan company organized a fire fighting equipment practice, which was attended by 32 company leaders, department managers and new employee representatives. The event invited professionals of Xinqiyuan company fire brigade to demonstrate and explain, and each new employee carried out on-site operation in turn.



Through practical drills, this activity enabled new employees to master the use methods of daily fire-fighting equipment, corrected the misunderstandings in equipment operation, eliminated the skill shortcomings of new employees, and effectively enhanced the overall emergency response ability of the company.


This drill used temporary fire-fighting equipment to make the best use of resources and avoid waste when due. In the future, the company will make full use of temporary equipment and continue to regularly organize practical drills to further improve the safety management level of the company.